Crusader Kings
From Doux to Despot.

Aware of both his old age & the succession of his son, which ever one it may be, Alexios hopes to unit the Empire behind the Komnenoi dynasty with one final conquest, this time against the old enemy in its' moment of weakness.
On Georgios' death, his lands where divided between his surviving four daughters, Anastasia, Martha, Ioulia & Theognosia, the youngest and a sickly infant. On the 28th August 1110, Anastasia is informed that Theognosia died during the night, at 1 year of age, and she has inherited her province of Northern Achaia.
Alexios' forces are able to quickly achieve victory against the Seljuk's, who due to their instability, are only able to mount a token defence against the Byzantines. The Greek populace of Aintab rise up to aide the Byzantine occupiers. This war is predicted to be swift & victorious.
And the predictions are correct.
Meanwhile, Anastasia, now in her 10th year, begins begins to embrace the responsibilities of growing older, becoming a conscientious youth, that puts even some adults to shame.
On 18th August 1112, Prince Bardas Komnenos dies of depression, having just recovered from Pnuemonia. He leaves behind two frail daughters, but no sons, meaning that Ioannikios becomes the heir of the Byzantine Empire.
In the east, it seems as if the Seljuk Sultanate as reclaimed stability under the rule of Arslan Shah, the son of Alp Arslan. However, he is old & the Sultanate is in tatters leaving everyone unsure of long this stability will last.
Under the regency of Marshal Konstas, Epirus begins to heavily focus of military reforms, boasting one of the most organised levy armies in the Empire, and thus the world. Kosntas does his best to get Anastasia involved, who doesn't really understand much of her Regent's reforms, but does her best to adopt them anyway.
Many in the Epirotian court begin to remark how Anastasia's wilful nature has turned her into a brave & respectable person.
In 1114, The Byzantine Empire releases Croatia as a tribute state due to pressure from Venice, who control the coast of Kingdom. The serene republic then becomes the suzerain of Croatia.
Also pictured: The Sicilians continue to expand away from southern Italy & Byzantine aggression, achieving an impressive victory over the Emirate of Tunis, who had conquer Sardinia from the republic of Pisa, adding the Island to their territory.
As Anastasia reaches her 14th year, see continues to develop her skills & abilities, becoming brooding and contemplative in addition to her outspoken & wilful disposition, leading her to become known for openly criticising faults she finds in others & not being afraid to offend even the most prestigious of figures in her crusade for righteousness.
However, naturally some would disagree with this temperament, one of which is her faithful regent, Count Konstas, who is worried that her passionate & sometimes harsh nature, could potentially weaken her position among the lords of the Empire.
Unfortunately Count Konstas has never been one for words & his attempt to get Anastasia to calm down just caused her to become even more determined to enforce her ideals of justice on any poor soul that is unlucky enough to ruffle her.
These ideas of promoting Justice to anyone & everyone, also begin to turn Anastasia into an ambitions young ruler, not dissimilar from her father - though without his zealous dedication.
On her 16th Birthday, Anastasia leaves her education behind, having truly excelled at her administrative duties under the careful guidance of Regent Konstas. Anastasia has the making of a great ruler, a master administrator, with a sense of bravery & just and the diligence & ambition to achieve her goals.
Anastasia wants to become a Great & powerful ruler among the Empire, second only to the Emperor himself. To achieve this ambition she focuses her energy into learning the art of diplomacy, through carousing & social gatherings that get people flocking to the Epirtoian court in numbers.
This also creates the perfect opportunity to get married, to the Byzantine Prince Kallinikos Angelos, in an opulent & respectable affair.
Anastasia has many ambitious goals that she wants to achieve, the prime one among them is the creation of a "Exarchate of Epirus", which would require becoming powerful enough the the Emperor would be forced to recognise her as his second & above the other Douxes of the Empire.
A second ambition of Anastasia is even greater than the first, but certainly more darker. The heir the Byzantine throne is Prince Ioannikios, who has no sons & so the heir after him is his younger half-brother, Prince Kallinikos Angelos. If he was to follow his brother, Prince Bardas, in death & before he had an heir of his own. then Kallinikos would rise to take the Imperial throne and due to his matrilineal marriage, his heir would be Anastasia's eldest, A Palaiogoloi Emperor.
Anastasia is certainly brave & ambitious enough to entertain such a treasonous thought, but she is a staunch follower of Justice, and would such an act like killing the rightful heir to the throne be against her own moral code?
Deciding not to plot against the Imperial crown, just yet at least, Anastasia sends her chancellor the Bishop Zenobios of Paramythia, who is a poor replacement for her skilled uncle Romanos that her father used to great successor, to try and fabricate a claim on the Theme of Dyrrachion. Her father had already taken the heart of the Theme for Epirus and surely that meant that the rest of it should belong to the Palaiogoloi to?
Now of age, Anastasia is also becoming pestered to join one of the many competing factions within the Empire, all of whom would like the power of Epirus behind them. Unconcerned with this type of petty politics, Anastasia decides to join the Tradition faction, the weakest of the factions at the moment, so not to give any of them a serious advantage over the crown. Soon there is a meeting for the tradition faction & Anastasia decides that has the most powerful ruler in the faction, she should be its' leader.
Luckily the Doux of Athens is a stuttering old man & stubborn as a donkey, much to the annoyance of his faction, allowing Anastasia to easily win the vote with her able ability of diplomacy and displays of power & wealth, putting many good examples of from her father to good use. Her victory in the vote is inevitable.
Anastasia decides to put her new found leadership to use, exclaiming how the Tradition faction will help Alexios & his heirs, guides the Empire to an even greater age.
Unfortunately word of Anastasia's support for his reign & heirs does not reach the Basileus, for Alexios Komnenos dies on the 23rd of November, 1119, after a glorious reign of 49 years. He is succeed by his Son, Basileus Ioannikios Komnenos, a Great Warrior and enthusiastic Diplomat, but lacking the skill & wisdom of his father in administrative matters.
The new Emperor attempts to unify his new vassals behind his rule. To do this, he declares a holy war for Galilee against the Abbasiyun Emirate.
Byzantine success are immediate & the war will be quickly won, but Ioannikios is mistaken if he thinks such an inglorious victory will unify the Empire behind him.
Anastasia also works on strengthening Epirus even further, securing the support of the majority of her council for some reforms that increase the obligations of the Burgher class. The laws easily pass, following Georgios' rule the Doux of Epirus has almost absolute authority over their Theme & Anastasia puts this to good use.
On the 11th of December 1120, Anastasia falls pregnant with Kallinikios' child, just a few months later, Ioannikios is victorious in Galilee.
However Anastasia's thoughts on the war prove correct. It fails to unite the Empire behind its' new Basileus & shortly after the wars end, a rebellion breaks out - lead by the Doux of Adrianopolis - attempting to install Manuel Komnenos of Amisos as Emperor. Caring little about the revolt, Anastasia chooses not to pick a side, however the rebellious forces & the loyalists are evenly matched in strength.
Anastasia is contacted by the local bishopric of Epirus who want her funding in support of a miracle play.Obviously the Bishoprics flourished under her religious father's generous gifts to them, and Anastasia sees no reason to refuse hey request, even if she isn't quite so spiritual.
Anastasia gives birth to a daughter named after her mother, Theoktiste. Meanwhile the loyalists win a decisive victory over the rebels at the battle of Chalkedon, however a dire news reaches the Imperial palace. The Fatamid Caliphate has declared a Holy War for Jerusalem, striking at the Empire's moment of weakness. With Ioannikios' forces dealing with the revolt in Anatolia & Greece, there is little resistance he can spare to stop the Egyptian army.
Anastasia calls a tradition factions meetings in response to the wars both ongoing & starting. As she waits for the Lords to gather at Epirus, she learns that she is pregnant once more. The faction meeting starts & Anastasia calls her faction to give financial aide to the Basileus. The proposal passes with absolute support. Anastasia hopes Ioannikios notices this support when the time comes for him to recognise her as Exarchate of Epirus.
Unfortunately the Empire is in no position to defend Jerusalem from the Egyptians. The war is over without a single battle & the crowing achievement of Alexios' reign is lost.
The court of Epirus is filled with joy, however, as Anastasia gives birth to a son, Alexios Palaiologos.
Anastasia does not share this joy, however. She has begun to wonder if Kallinikos is having an affair with Man! She has noticed in recent days that her husband seems to be affectionate to a male courtier, while negligent of her & their new-born son. Certainly there have been rumours of his sexual preferences, but could it be true? Outspoken as ever, Anastasia decides to confront her husband.
Unfortunately the confrontation doesn't go so well. Anastasia is perhaps too harsh in her wording, while Kallinikos maintains his innocence & she leaves their chambers with absolutely no answers to her worries.
Meanwhile, in the Middle East, the Seljuk Sultanate has finally restored itself to greatness after many years of fracturing & rebellion. Its' most recent conquests of the Emirates of Nefoud & Kermanshah have once more achieved the Sultanate dominion over Arabia.
The number of people flocking to the Epirotian court has not stopped since Anastasia inherited the throne, as she builds up a reputation as a fair and righteous judge for every class of citizen in her realm.
With the Holy Lands back in Infidel hands & the Byzantine Empire not currently in a strong enough or stable enough position to change that, the Pope has decided to take matters into his own hand. Using information based on half-truthful & certainly hyperbole Byzantine accounts on the Fatamid recapture of Jerusalem, Pope Ioannes XIX declares that any true Christen can not stand by while the Mohammedan infidels butcher hundreds of innocent pilgrims in the Holy Lands. The Age of Crusades could be about to begin,,,
The Popes' declaration is greeted with a Zealous response & he ensures that any who die in the undertaking with be rewarded in heaven. Christen military orders are also formed to help in the crusade. It would appear that God does indeed will this endeavour.
On the 21st of November 1128, Anastasia receives word from her chancellor that he has successfully bribed a prestigious & morally dubious judge in Strymon to testify to the legitimacy of a document that gives ruler ship of the province to the house of Palaiologos. Anastasia decides to delay an invasion of the province for now though, waiting so that she can get a claim to the entire theme of Dyrrachion to make sure that Basileus Ioannikios does not get wise to her scheming.
Luckily Basileus Ioannikios has more on his mind right now than getting involved in a seemingly petty vassal dispute. On 12th December 1128, he announces his coronation, an event Anastasia is eager to attend & get on the Emperor's good side.
Unfortunately many power hungry vassals are all to eager to see the downfall of the Komnenoi, including other, rival branches of the house of Komnenos. The Coronation celebrations are interrupted by a rebellion in Trebizond & Armeniacon.
The rebel leader, the Doux of Trebizond, tries to recruit Anastasia to his cause - however, she decides that such a war is utterly against her interest.
With a claim on all of Dyrrachion, Anastasia wastes no time in declaring war.
Epirus boasts the largest army of any Theme within the Empire. Knowing this, Anastasia marches into Strymon and engages the far weaker Dyrrachian army in battle. The battle is easily won & and the war soon follows. Now all that Anastasia needs for her goal is the requisition of her sister's territory.
Once again the invasion is swift, as the Dyrrachian army simply does not have the numbers to stand against the Epirotain forces of five times its' strength.
By December 1131 Anastasia has achieve her ambitions...
She crowns herself the Exarchessa of the Exarchate of Epirus...

At the end of the first decade in the new century, Europe and the Middle East has undergone a number of important political changes.
In Western Europe. Castille has risen to become the mightiest power in Iberia, though recent solidarity among the Muslims has prevented any conquest of the southern peninsular. France & the Holy Roman Empire are still the two major powers, however a number of failed 'displays of strength' against the Germans, has left France unstable. This has allowed both Aquitaine & now Poitou to cede from the Kingdom, both with the aide of the Holy Roman Empire. However, all is not lost for France. The recent years have seen them retake Normandy from the English, and they are now lead by a competent King, Gelduin de Bourgogne.
Eastern Europe is divided between a powerful Poland & Rus and a rising Hungary. In the north, the Baltic Pagans feud among themselves, removing themselves as a threat to the Christen Kingdoms. The religious reforms of King Gryn of Pomerania have resulted in his untimely death, however his brother, the new King Branimir also shares his sympathy for Christendom.
Perhaps the most important change in the world is the fragmentation of the Seljuk Sultanate, once one of the most powerful states in Eurasia under the wise rule of Alp Arslan. However, many of Arslan's vassals felt that the mighty ruler had claimed too much power for himself, and while he crushed any revolt against him while he was alive, his death of old age, has presented the opportunity needed for many successful rebellions to break out across the Sultanate. Few nations have made use of the weakened position of the Seljuks, however one in particular, the al -Kesran Satrapy, last bastion of Persian culture in the middle east , has greatly expanded its' boarders into previously Seljuk lands.
Finally the Byzantine Empire, under the wise & diligent rule of Alexios Komnenos, has reclaimed its' position of the Power in the East, in the wake of the Seljuk's fracture. Alexios has lead the Empire to many victories in Serbia, Wallachia, Crimea, Armenia, Italy, Croatia & even in the Holy lands themselves, returning Jerusalem into Christen hands. However, Alexios is now old and his heir, Prince Bardas, a wise & enthusiastic man who is often regarded as his father's greatest achievement, has fallen ill with the deadly Pneumonia disease. Should he die then the throne will pass to his brother, Prince Ioannikios - a great warrior, but a lacking administrator, who might not be able to unite the Empire behind him with just his father's legacy alone.
Strategitissa Anastasia' Regent is Count Konstas of Cephalonia, who is a brilliant commander and responsible for many of Georgios' victories. He is a also a loyal vassal to her father and his memory. While poor with words, his military excellence & able administration should hopefully see Epirus through until Anastasia reaches age.
On the 9th December 1109, Konstas is able to secure a matrilineal betrothal between Anastasia and the young Prince Kallinikos Angelos, a son of Basileus Alexios. This will ensure the survival of Palaiogolos dynasty.
Early in Anastasia's youth, she becomes known as a strong-willed and heavily independent child, much to the exasperation of her uncle Nikolaos. One such event that was of particular notice was when she was playing with her cousin Barbara & the two came across the abandoned farm house that had belong to the farmer who had first discovered the burning chasm in the ground that Nikephoros had so desperately tried to close. Nikephoros had never told Georgios about the chasm, for he knew it would ignite some zealous passion within his son, and years ago it had closed up seemingly by itself. Now, despite Barbara's warnings that she'd tell on Anastasia, the young Strategitissa was determined to investigate - a display of willfulness that all would soon know of.
Perhaps the most important change in the world is the fragmentation of the Seljuk Sultanate, once one of the most powerful states in Eurasia under the wise rule of Alp Arslan. However, many of Arslan's vassals felt that the mighty ruler had claimed too much power for himself, and while he crushed any revolt against him while he was alive, his death of old age, has presented the opportunity needed for many successful rebellions to break out across the Sultanate. Few nations have made use of the weakened position of the Seljuks, however one in particular, the al -Kesran Satrapy, last bastion of Persian culture in the middle east , has greatly expanded its' boarders into previously Seljuk lands.
Finally the Byzantine Empire, under the wise & diligent rule of Alexios Komnenos, has reclaimed its' position of the Power in the East, in the wake of the Seljuk's fracture. Alexios has lead the Empire to many victories in Serbia, Wallachia, Crimea, Armenia, Italy, Croatia & even in the Holy lands themselves, returning Jerusalem into Christen hands. However, Alexios is now old and his heir, Prince Bardas, a wise & enthusiastic man who is often regarded as his father's greatest achievement, has fallen ill with the deadly Pneumonia disease. Should he die then the throne will pass to his brother, Prince Ioannikios - a great warrior, but a lacking administrator, who might not be able to unite the Empire behind him with just his father's legacy alone.
Strategitissa Anastasia' Regent is Count Konstas of Cephalonia, who is a brilliant commander and responsible for many of Georgios' victories. He is a also a loyal vassal to her father and his memory. While poor with words, his military excellence & able administration should hopefully see Epirus through until Anastasia reaches age.
On the 9th December 1109, Konstas is able to secure a matrilineal betrothal between Anastasia and the young Prince Kallinikos Angelos, a son of Basileus Alexios. This will ensure the survival of Palaiogolos dynasty.
Early in Anastasia's youth, she becomes known as a strong-willed and heavily independent child, much to the exasperation of her uncle Nikolaos. One such event that was of particular notice was when she was playing with her cousin Barbara & the two came across the abandoned farm house that had belong to the farmer who had first discovered the burning chasm in the ground that Nikephoros had so desperately tried to close. Nikephoros had never told Georgios about the chasm, for he knew it would ignite some zealous passion within his son, and years ago it had closed up seemingly by itself. Now, despite Barbara's warnings that she'd tell on Anastasia, the young Strategitissa was determined to investigate - a display of willfulness that all would soon know of.
Aware of both his old age & the succession of his son, which ever one it may be, Alexios hopes to unit the Empire behind the Komnenoi dynasty with one final conquest, this time against the old enemy in its' moment of weakness.
On Georgios' death, his lands where divided between his surviving four daughters, Anastasia, Martha, Ioulia & Theognosia, the youngest and a sickly infant. On the 28th August 1110, Anastasia is informed that Theognosia died during the night, at 1 year of age, and she has inherited her province of Northern Achaia.
Alexios' forces are able to quickly achieve victory against the Seljuk's, who due to their instability, are only able to mount a token defence against the Byzantines. The Greek populace of Aintab rise up to aide the Byzantine occupiers. This war is predicted to be swift & victorious.
And the predictions are correct.
Meanwhile, Anastasia, now in her 10th year, begins begins to embrace the responsibilities of growing older, becoming a conscientious youth, that puts even some adults to shame.
On 18th August 1112, Prince Bardas Komnenos dies of depression, having just recovered from Pnuemonia. He leaves behind two frail daughters, but no sons, meaning that Ioannikios becomes the heir of the Byzantine Empire.
In the east, it seems as if the Seljuk Sultanate as reclaimed stability under the rule of Arslan Shah, the son of Alp Arslan. However, he is old & the Sultanate is in tatters leaving everyone unsure of long this stability will last.
Under the regency of Marshal Konstas, Epirus begins to heavily focus of military reforms, boasting one of the most organised levy armies in the Empire, and thus the world. Kosntas does his best to get Anastasia involved, who doesn't really understand much of her Regent's reforms, but does her best to adopt them anyway.
Many in the Epirotian court begin to remark how Anastasia's wilful nature has turned her into a brave & respectable person.
In 1114, The Byzantine Empire releases Croatia as a tribute state due to pressure from Venice, who control the coast of Kingdom. The serene republic then becomes the suzerain of Croatia.
Also pictured: The Sicilians continue to expand away from southern Italy & Byzantine aggression, achieving an impressive victory over the Emirate of Tunis, who had conquer Sardinia from the republic of Pisa, adding the Island to their territory.
As Anastasia reaches her 14th year, see continues to develop her skills & abilities, becoming brooding and contemplative in addition to her outspoken & wilful disposition, leading her to become known for openly criticising faults she finds in others & not being afraid to offend even the most prestigious of figures in her crusade for righteousness.
However, naturally some would disagree with this temperament, one of which is her faithful regent, Count Konstas, who is worried that her passionate & sometimes harsh nature, could potentially weaken her position among the lords of the Empire.
Unfortunately Count Konstas has never been one for words & his attempt to get Anastasia to calm down just caused her to become even more determined to enforce her ideals of justice on any poor soul that is unlucky enough to ruffle her.
These ideas of promoting Justice to anyone & everyone, also begin to turn Anastasia into an ambitions young ruler, not dissimilar from her father - though without his zealous dedication.
On her 16th Birthday, Anastasia leaves her education behind, having truly excelled at her administrative duties under the careful guidance of Regent Konstas. Anastasia has the making of a great ruler, a master administrator, with a sense of bravery & just and the diligence & ambition to achieve her goals.
Anastasia wants to become a Great & powerful ruler among the Empire, second only to the Emperor himself. To achieve this ambition she focuses her energy into learning the art of diplomacy, through carousing & social gatherings that get people flocking to the Epirtoian court in numbers.
This also creates the perfect opportunity to get married, to the Byzantine Prince Kallinikos Angelos, in an opulent & respectable affair.
Anastasia has many ambitious goals that she wants to achieve, the prime one among them is the creation of a "Exarchate of Epirus", which would require becoming powerful enough the the Emperor would be forced to recognise her as his second & above the other Douxes of the Empire.
A second ambition of Anastasia is even greater than the first, but certainly more darker. The heir the Byzantine throne is Prince Ioannikios, who has no sons & so the heir after him is his younger half-brother, Prince Kallinikos Angelos. If he was to follow his brother, Prince Bardas, in death & before he had an heir of his own. then Kallinikos would rise to take the Imperial throne and due to his matrilineal marriage, his heir would be Anastasia's eldest, A Palaiogoloi Emperor.
Anastasia is certainly brave & ambitious enough to entertain such a treasonous thought, but she is a staunch follower of Justice, and would such an act like killing the rightful heir to the throne be against her own moral code?
Deciding not to plot against the Imperial crown, just yet at least, Anastasia sends her chancellor the Bishop Zenobios of Paramythia, who is a poor replacement for her skilled uncle Romanos that her father used to great successor, to try and fabricate a claim on the Theme of Dyrrachion. Her father had already taken the heart of the Theme for Epirus and surely that meant that the rest of it should belong to the Palaiogoloi to?
Now of age, Anastasia is also becoming pestered to join one of the many competing factions within the Empire, all of whom would like the power of Epirus behind them. Unconcerned with this type of petty politics, Anastasia decides to join the Tradition faction, the weakest of the factions at the moment, so not to give any of them a serious advantage over the crown. Soon there is a meeting for the tradition faction & Anastasia decides that has the most powerful ruler in the faction, she should be its' leader.
Luckily the Doux of Athens is a stuttering old man & stubborn as a donkey, much to the annoyance of his faction, allowing Anastasia to easily win the vote with her able ability of diplomacy and displays of power & wealth, putting many good examples of from her father to good use. Her victory in the vote is inevitable.
Anastasia decides to put her new found leadership to use, exclaiming how the Tradition faction will help Alexios & his heirs, guides the Empire to an even greater age.
Unfortunately word of Anastasia's support for his reign & heirs does not reach the Basileus, for Alexios Komnenos dies on the 23rd of November, 1119, after a glorious reign of 49 years. He is succeed by his Son, Basileus Ioannikios Komnenos, a Great Warrior and enthusiastic Diplomat, but lacking the skill & wisdom of his father in administrative matters.
The new Emperor attempts to unify his new vassals behind his rule. To do this, he declares a holy war for Galilee against the Abbasiyun Emirate.
Byzantine success are immediate & the war will be quickly won, but Ioannikios is mistaken if he thinks such an inglorious victory will unify the Empire behind him.
Anastasia also works on strengthening Epirus even further, securing the support of the majority of her council for some reforms that increase the obligations of the Burgher class. The laws easily pass, following Georgios' rule the Doux of Epirus has almost absolute authority over their Theme & Anastasia puts this to good use.
On the 11th of December 1120, Anastasia falls pregnant with Kallinikios' child, just a few months later, Ioannikios is victorious in Galilee.
However Anastasia's thoughts on the war prove correct. It fails to unite the Empire behind its' new Basileus & shortly after the wars end, a rebellion breaks out - lead by the Doux of Adrianopolis - attempting to install Manuel Komnenos of Amisos as Emperor. Caring little about the revolt, Anastasia chooses not to pick a side, however the rebellious forces & the loyalists are evenly matched in strength.
Anastasia is contacted by the local bishopric of Epirus who want her funding in support of a miracle play.Obviously the Bishoprics flourished under her religious father's generous gifts to them, and Anastasia sees no reason to refuse hey request, even if she isn't quite so spiritual.
Anastasia gives birth to a daughter named after her mother, Theoktiste. Meanwhile the loyalists win a decisive victory over the rebels at the battle of Chalkedon, however a dire news reaches the Imperial palace. The Fatamid Caliphate has declared a Holy War for Jerusalem, striking at the Empire's moment of weakness. With Ioannikios' forces dealing with the revolt in Anatolia & Greece, there is little resistance he can spare to stop the Egyptian army.
Anastasia calls a tradition factions meetings in response to the wars both ongoing & starting. As she waits for the Lords to gather at Epirus, she learns that she is pregnant once more. The faction meeting starts & Anastasia calls her faction to give financial aide to the Basileus. The proposal passes with absolute support. Anastasia hopes Ioannikios notices this support when the time comes for him to recognise her as Exarchate of Epirus.
Unfortunately the Empire is in no position to defend Jerusalem from the Egyptians. The war is over without a single battle & the crowing achievement of Alexios' reign is lost.
The court of Epirus is filled with joy, however, as Anastasia gives birth to a son, Alexios Palaiologos.
Anastasia does not share this joy, however. She has begun to wonder if Kallinikos is having an affair with Man! She has noticed in recent days that her husband seems to be affectionate to a male courtier, while negligent of her & their new-born son. Certainly there have been rumours of his sexual preferences, but could it be true? Outspoken as ever, Anastasia decides to confront her husband.
Unfortunately the confrontation doesn't go so well. Anastasia is perhaps too harsh in her wording, while Kallinikos maintains his innocence & she leaves their chambers with absolutely no answers to her worries.
Meanwhile, in the Middle East, the Seljuk Sultanate has finally restored itself to greatness after many years of fracturing & rebellion. Its' most recent conquests of the Emirates of Nefoud & Kermanshah have once more achieved the Sultanate dominion over Arabia.
The number of people flocking to the Epirotian court has not stopped since Anastasia inherited the throne, as she builds up a reputation as a fair and righteous judge for every class of citizen in her realm.
With the Holy Lands back in Infidel hands & the Byzantine Empire not currently in a strong enough or stable enough position to change that, the Pope has decided to take matters into his own hand. Using information based on half-truthful & certainly hyperbole Byzantine accounts on the Fatamid recapture of Jerusalem, Pope Ioannes XIX declares that any true Christen can not stand by while the Mohammedan infidels butcher hundreds of innocent pilgrims in the Holy Lands. The Age of Crusades could be about to begin,,,
The Popes' declaration is greeted with a Zealous response & he ensures that any who die in the undertaking with be rewarded in heaven. Christen military orders are also formed to help in the crusade. It would appear that God does indeed will this endeavour.
On the 21st of November 1128, Anastasia receives word from her chancellor that he has successfully bribed a prestigious & morally dubious judge in Strymon to testify to the legitimacy of a document that gives ruler ship of the province to the house of Palaiologos. Anastasia decides to delay an invasion of the province for now though, waiting so that she can get a claim to the entire theme of Dyrrachion to make sure that Basileus Ioannikios does not get wise to her scheming.
Luckily Basileus Ioannikios has more on his mind right now than getting involved in a seemingly petty vassal dispute. On 12th December 1128, he announces his coronation, an event Anastasia is eager to attend & get on the Emperor's good side.
Unfortunately many power hungry vassals are all to eager to see the downfall of the Komnenoi, including other, rival branches of the house of Komnenos. The Coronation celebrations are interrupted by a rebellion in Trebizond & Armeniacon.
The rebel leader, the Doux of Trebizond, tries to recruit Anastasia to his cause - however, she decides that such a war is utterly against her interest.
On the 20th of April, Anastasia learns that her sister, Ioulia, has betrayed her & ceded from her Theme. As the Strategitissa of Dyrrachion, her sister's succession has put a thorn in Anastasia's plan for a united Exarchate between Epirus & Dyrrachion. Such an injustice frustrates Anastasia & she turns this hot temper on heavy one in the court.
With Ioannikios fighting against Trebizond's rebellion, Anastasia gets lucky. Her chancellor who was sent of a mission to fabricate a claim on Lychnidos, the remaining province of Dyrrachion, reports back with news of a very interesting find. As he was dining with a petty landowner, the man showed him a document that detailed Basileus Michael VII granting Doux Nikephoros Palaiogolos control over Lychnidos as reward for his aide in the War of the Five Emperors, as the Doux of Dyrrachion has betrayed the throne. While this document was made obsolete by Alexios' succession to the throne, Chancellor Euphemios adds that he has already hired a master counterfeiter from Venice to change Basileus Michael's signature to Basileus Alexios - a name well respected across the Empire.
With a claim on all of Dyrrachion, Anastasia wastes no time in declaring war.
Epirus boasts the largest army of any Theme within the Empire. Knowing this, Anastasia marches into Strymon and engages the far weaker Dyrrachian army in battle. The battle is easily won & and the war soon follows. Now all that Anastasia needs for her goal is the requisition of her sister's territory.
Once again the invasion is swift, as the Dyrrachian army simply does not have the numbers to stand against the Epirotain forces of five times its' strength.
By December 1131 Anastasia has achieve her ambitions...
She crowns herself the Exarchessa of the Exarchate of Epirus...
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