Crusader Kings
The Reign of Basileios III

(perhaps an exaggeration?)
There is little response to the Crusade in Byzantium, however, as most believe it to be of little concern to the true Christian faithful & merely a Papal scheme to usurp rightfully Orthodox land. Surely it cannot succeed? A much more pressing matter in the Empire, is Basileus Basileios. who announced that he has embraced the Bogomilist faith, something Georgios Palaiologos would've believed to be a heretical perversion of the one true faith. Despite not sharing her father's religious sentiments, Anastasia wonders if she could use this development to her favor & calls a meeting of the Court faction.
Anastasia uses the meeting to promote dissent towards the new Basileus, reminding her faction about how he unlawfully seized power & now wages war against the rightful claimant to the Empire. Anastasia also makes sure to bring up the fact that Basileios is a Dualist, Gnostic, Ecclesiarchy-hating heretic, in order to make her point. Once again, however, she fails to truly unify the room behind her, but still her rants seems to have stirred some response.
However, Anastasia's denouement of the Basileus proves more useful that she originally thought, as Basileios hears of it & soon sends a diplomat to the Epirotian court, detailing how the Emperor plans to make peace with her husband & wants her to meditate on the negotiations. Soon the revolt is over & Kallinikos returns to Epirus, having avoided defeat & execution.
This personal victory inspires Anastasia to once more become the diligent ruler she was & continue with her ambitions to see Alexios on the throne..
Meanwhile Basileios begins to work on his own ambitions & passes a law that gives more protection and rights to the Bogomilist communities in the Empire, while also forcing them to recognize the Emperor's authority & accept the system of government.
Basileios had been on a campaign against Croatia at the outbreak of the revolt, and despite almost achieving victory, he is forced to abandon his gains & make peace with the Croats.
Basil III proves himself to be an able commander & victory for the loyalists is soon assured after a decisive battle at Antioch.
Doux Anthimos of Krete informs Anastasia of some dire news. His agent in the court of Constantinople has uncovered a ruthless plot by Basil III to murder all claimants to his throne. Among the targets of this supposed mass assassination is Prince Alexios of Epirus. Furious about this, Anastasia plans to act & sends Anthimos to Constantinople to prepare her move...
Basil is victorious in the Civil War, but has greater problems to worry about. Caliph al-Hakim has declared a Sunni Jihad for Syria.
Her desire to see the Palaiologoi on the Imperial throne has rejuvenated Anastasia's diligence in ruling. Throughout the next few years, she oversees & administers a number of improvements and additions to her holdings in Epirus, making sure they are efficiently completed.
The News of the Jihad for Syria comes at the same time of something equally black. The Catholic attempts at reconquering Jerusalem have meet with failure & their pitiful attempt is mocked throughout the Byzantine Empire. Still it grieves all Christian faithful that the Holy city yet remains in Infidel hands.
In the Baltic, High Chief Prusas III of Pruthenia has launched a number of successful conquests against his pagan neighbors & even Poland-Hungary. With Prussian dominance of the Baltic assured, Prusas declares himself "King of Pruthenia and the Baltic". The once mighty & tolerant Pomerania is now greatly overshadowed by the Pagan menace on its' boarders.
In Southern Italy, the de Hauteville realm of Sicily has experienced a military Golden age, ever since they where expelled from Apulia. Under the wise leadership of Duchess Matilda de Hauteville, the Sicillians have conquered Tunis & Leptis Magna. Now the Duchess has declared Sicily a Kingdom to solidify the achievements of her rule.
The New Queen sends out invitations for her coronation, an event that promises to be opulent & prestigious. Exarchessa Anastasia is among those invited as the Sicillian Queen wants all rulers of note & power to experience her crowning.
As the Coronation progresses, Anastasia finds herself talking to the New Queen and the two share a lot in common. By the end of the night the two women have become fast friends.
Meanwhile Basileios continues his plans for Crimean expansion, declaring war on the powerful Khaganate of Thocomer.
Between the years 1156 - 1158 there are a number of minor revolts against the rule of Basil, however all of them are easily crushed. Despite he wish to see Basil deposed, Anastasia knows it would be reckless to join any of these ill-fated rebellions.
However with each failed rebellion against his rule, Basil is able to steal more power for himself & destroy another rival. He formalises his new power with a law reform that increases the power & authority of the crown, while striping powers from the aristocratic class.
It is rumoured that this was the final straw for Anastasia, who could no longer stand for Basil's authoritarian & unjust direction. Some even said that she was going to raise up in rebellion against the Emperor and summon forth all the might of Epirus. History will never know, for she died shortly after Basil passed his new law, in August 1158.

In 1143, Anastasia Palaiologos's grand scheme to take the Byzantine throne has failed & made further more unlikely by the ill-conceived rebellion of her husband, the deposed Emperor Kallinikos Angelos-Komnenos. The failings of her ambitions has left Anastasia is a depressed slump & the once diligent Exarchessa, now lacks the will to do anything of note.

(perhaps an exaggeration?)
Just to the North of Byzantium, the union between the Piast Kingdoms of Poland & Hungary has created a new major power in the east. Tensions have never been higher, but so far no one has made their reactions known about this "Polish-Hungarian Union"
It has been almost two decades since the Fatamid Caliphate reconquered Jerusalem from Byzantium, and with the current upheaval in the Empire, an attempt to reverse this lose seems unlikely. Realizing this, the Holy See seizes its' chance to take the Holy City for Catholic interests & on the dawn of the year 1144, Pope Alexander III declares a Crusade for Jerusalem, finally taking action on the declaration of Pope Ioannes XIX (that any true Christian faithful could not rest while the Mohammedan infidels controlled the Holy lands). Thousands answer the Pope's call & take up the cross...
There is little response to the Crusade in Byzantium, however, as most believe it to be of little concern to the true Christian faithful & merely a Papal scheme to usurp rightfully Orthodox land. Surely it cannot succeed? A much more pressing matter in the Empire, is Basileus Basileios. who announced that he has embraced the Bogomilist faith, something Georgios Palaiologos would've believed to be a heretical perversion of the one true faith. Despite not sharing her father's religious sentiments, Anastasia wonders if she could use this development to her favor & calls a meeting of the Court faction.
Anastasia uses the meeting to promote dissent towards the new Basileus, reminding her faction about how he unlawfully seized power & now wages war against the rightful claimant to the Empire. Anastasia also makes sure to bring up the fact that Basileios is a Dualist, Gnostic, Ecclesiarchy-hating heretic, in order to make her point. Once again, however, she fails to truly unify the room behind her, but still her rants seems to have stirred some response.
However, Anastasia's denouement of the Basileus proves more useful that she originally thought, as Basileios hears of it & soon sends a diplomat to the Epirotian court, detailing how the Emperor plans to make peace with her husband & wants her to meditate on the negotiations. Soon the revolt is over & Kallinikos returns to Epirus, having avoided defeat & execution.
This personal victory inspires Anastasia to once more become the diligent ruler she was & continue with her ambitions to see Alexios on the throne..
Meanwhile Basileios begins to work on his own ambitions & passes a law that gives more protection and rights to the Bogomilist communities in the Empire, while also forcing them to recognize the Emperor's authority & accept the system of government.
Anastasia also hears rumors of a conspiracy in the Court faction to overthrow her authority & install a leader loyal to the Basileus. No doubts this conspiracy has ties to the Emperor himself, who obviously fears the power of Epirus Anastasia resolves to be more careful & less outspoken in her defiance against Basileios' rule. She also plots to have the rumored traitor kidnapped & brought before her, so she may deal with him accordingly
In October 1145 another revolt breaks out against the rule of Basileus Basileios, fueled by resentment for his Bogomilist beliefs. The revolt, lead by the house of Doukas in an unabashed attempt to reclaim lost power & influence for their family, seeks to install a new Emperor...but as this claimant is not Kallinikos, Anastasia cares little about it.
Basileios had been on a campaign against Croatia at the outbreak of the revolt, and despite almost achieving victory, he is forced to abandon his gains & make peace with the Croats.
Basil III proves himself to be an able commander & victory for the loyalists is soon assured after a decisive battle at Antioch.
Doux Anthimos of Krete informs Anastasia of some dire news. His agent in the court of Constantinople has uncovered a ruthless plot by Basil III to murder all claimants to his throne. Among the targets of this supposed mass assassination is Prince Alexios of Epirus. Furious about this, Anastasia plans to act & sends Anthimos to Constantinople to prepare her move...
Basil is victorious in the Civil War, but has greater problems to worry about. Caliph al-Hakim has declared a Sunni Jihad for Syria.
Her desire to see the Palaiologoi on the Imperial throne has rejuvenated Anastasia's diligence in ruling. Throughout the next few years, she oversees & administers a number of improvements and additions to her holdings in Epirus, making sure they are efficiently completed.
The News of the Jihad for Syria comes at the same time of something equally black. The Catholic attempts at reconquering Jerusalem have meet with failure & their pitiful attempt is mocked throughout the Byzantine Empire. Still it grieves all Christian faithful that the Holy city yet remains in Infidel hands.
Basil seems to fairing better in the Middle-East however, despite the early stages of the war. A few minor battles has seen Byzantine victories & the Muslims repelled, having failed to gain any foothold in Syria. The War continues, however...
In the Baltic, High Chief Prusas III of Pruthenia has launched a number of successful conquests against his pagan neighbors & even Poland-Hungary. With Prussian dominance of the Baltic assured, Prusas declares himself "King of Pruthenia and the Baltic". The once mighty & tolerant Pomerania is now greatly overshadowed by the Pagan menace on its' boarders.
In Southern Italy, the de Hauteville realm of Sicily has experienced a military Golden age, ever since they where expelled from Apulia. Under the wise leadership of Duchess Matilda de Hauteville, the Sicillians have conquered Tunis & Leptis Magna. Now the Duchess has declared Sicily a Kingdom to solidify the achievements of her rule.
The New Queen sends out invitations for her coronation, an event that promises to be opulent & prestigious. Exarchessa Anastasia is among those invited as the Sicillian Queen wants all rulers of note & power to experience her crowning.
As the Coronation progresses, Anastasia finds herself talking to the New Queen and the two share a lot in common. By the end of the night the two women have become fast friends.
However as Anastasia engages in celebration & enjoyment, the War in Syria suddenly turns against the Empire. An outnumbered Byzantine Army is defeated at the battle of Homs and sent into a shattering retreat towards Alexandetta, while the Muslims armies break into Syria.
This concerning event is met with calls from Anastasia's court to organize faction meeting and figure out a response. Anastasia is determined to not support the Basileus under any circumstance, as the defeat in Syria would be useful in trying to further her personal ambitions. To this extent she uses the faction in order to try and crush support for Basil III.
However Anastasia completely misjudges the sentiment of her faction.The crisis in Syria is a matter of national pride for many of the assembled lords and Anastasia's demand for the faction to refuse support for their liege is met with outrage . By the end of the night, Anastasia's authority as leader of the Court faction is completely shaken and a rogue group of Lords have even organised a large payment of money to be sent to the Basileus in order to help the war effort.
Despite support from most of the Major factions in the Empire, Basil's attempt to break back into Syria is met with defeat at Hama and allows the Muslims to besiege Aleppo & Antioch. Basil has one final attempt to save Syria, and is able to defeat a much larger Muslim army besieging Antioch - saving the city. However Aleppo falls on the 1st of March 1149 & Alexandretta falls shortly after on the 29th, completely cutting off Basil's army from much needed reinforcement. Realizing the war to be lost, the Basileus surrenders. Syria has fallen to Muslim hands.
A new Shahdom is set up in place of the Byzantine province of Syria: The Shabankarai Shahdom of Syria. The loss of Syria has also isolated the province of Galilee from the rest of the Empire.
Peace isn't enough for the treacherous Infidels, however, and the Shabankarai Shahdom declare holy war for Edessa. The Egyptians also join in with this Perfidious act by declaring war Galilee, Weakened by War & Revolt, the Empire can only offer token resistance. The Sicillians also decide to take advantage on the Empire's weakness & declare a conquest of the province of Lukania, though Anastasia secretly supports the invaders in this war.
One by One, the Wars are lost...
In 1151, England & Scotland are still in fierce competition for dominance over the British Isles. The Enlightened King Hector of Scotland has expanded Scottish rule over Northern Ireland & captured the Orkney islands from the powerful Kingdom of Norge. However the Scottish have proven themselves unable to beat the English in battle & King Ralph II of England has taken the Isle of Man from them as the result of a recent war. Ralph II has also finished the inevitable English conquest of the Welsh petite Kingdoms, providing England with the perfect launch point for their expansion into Ireland.
Scandinavia is dominated by the powerful Kingdom of Norge whose rule over the area is almost unchallenged. In the South, the Kingdom of Danmark is the main rival for the Norwegians, however they mainly interest themselves with politics in Germany & the Baltics rather than compete for influence over Scandinavia. The weaker Kingdom of Sweden is kept in check by Norwegian military might, however it has recently expanded its' territory against the Finnish tribes to the East.
The Political dynamic of Christian Spain is unchaining, with neither of the Christian Kingdoms have achieved any recent gains over he Muslims or each other. The exception to this is the Duchy of Barcelona, which has lost Valencia to a Muslim resurgence in the area. Muslim Spain is different however. The Emirate of Seville has risen to become a power that can rival Castille & has easily dominated the weaker Muslim Emirates. The Sultanate of Mauritania has lost its' hold on the eastern coast of Spain to the Tauriyn Emirate of Murcia which now does battle against Barcelona & Aragon.
Lastly in Eastern Europe, Rus is experiencing extreme instability following the death of King Stanislav and with the powerful states of Mordva, Thocomer & Poland-Hungary on either side of it, Rus' survival will depend on if it can stabilize itself. Poland-Hungary has already engaged itself in a number of wars against Pruthenia, with mixed results. However it is determined to reconquer Kujawy back from the Pagan scourge. Pruthenia's war against Poland has distracted the powerful young nation from unifying the rest of the Baltic under its' rule. The remnant of the Kingdom of Pomerania has finally Christianize in order to ensure Holy Roman protection against further Prussian invasion.
In early 1152, Basil III announces a conquest of Georgian Crimea in order to reinstall confidence in his reign after the disasters of the last few years.
Anastasia calls a meeting of the Court factions as is custom when a war is declared. Unfortunately the same group of rouge Lords, that where outraged by Anastasia's previous demand to not support the Basileus in the Syrian Jihad, are prepared for the council meeting. Lead by Doux Ertekin of Coloneia, they demand that Anastasia steps down as leader of the faction.
Luckily Anastasia is easily able to defeat their challenge, as most of the court faction well remember that Epirus is the mightiest of its' members. The victory in the vote strengthens Anastasia's position in the faction at a much needed time.
Basil III is victorious in Crimea. However his war fails to quell the dissent in the Byzantine Empire & shortly afterwards, a revolt breaks out in Naxos, attempting to reinstall Kallinikos to the throne.
Anastasia decides that now is the moment to rise up against Basil III, as the loyalist & rebel forces clash outside the city of Constantia, with the rebels hoping to intercept & destroy the inferior loyalist forces returning from Crimea, before they can make it back to Constantinople.
However, despite being badly outnumbered, Basil III is still an able military commander & the Rebels are crushed in a surprise victory for the loyalists. The rebel leader, The Count of Naxos, is captured in battle & the rebellion is over is just one battle.
Luckily Anastasia had not yet declared herself for the rebellion & is thus able to avoid repercussion for this humiliating defeat. Basileios III accepts the need for change in the Byzantine Empire, however, and increases the power of the Imperial council in order to ensure the stability of the Empire.
The Polish-Hungarian Union collapses in 1155, leaving Poland as the superior nation. The Polish are able to further cement their dominance by exploiting Russian weakness & defeating them in a war for Korsun.
Throughout the next few years, Basil III rules the Byzantine Empire with an Iron fist to ensure the future authority & stability of his reign. Countless titles & privileges are revoked from rebellious & discontent vassals, while loyalists are lavishly rewarded for their duty. The power structure of Byzantium is completely reorganized to make sure that the Emperor position is unassailable.
This abuse of power & arbitrary ruler ship incites the Just Anastasia into a fury, however Basil is wise enough not to touch the power of Epirus.
In 1156, Basil III declares war of Rus for Russian Cherson. The Slavic Kingdom is in too much disarray to put up much of a resistance against the invading Greek armies. The Russian King, Yuriy is murdered shortly after the start of the war & his successor, King Vysheslav has no choice but to surrender to Basileios.
Anastasia arranges a marriage for Prince Alexios with Princess Amalia of Sicily, the daughter of her good friend, Queen Matilda of Sicily. Quickly, Alexios gets Amalia with a son who is named Kallinikos Palaiologos.
Meanwhile Basileios continues his plans for Crimean expansion, declaring war on the powerful Khaganate of Thocomer.
Between the years 1156 - 1158 there are a number of minor revolts against the rule of Basil, however all of them are easily crushed. Despite he wish to see Basil deposed, Anastasia knows it would be reckless to join any of these ill-fated rebellions.
However with each failed rebellion against his rule, Basil is able to steal more power for himself & destroy another rival. He formalises his new power with a law reform that increases the power & authority of the crown, while striping powers from the aristocratic class.
Alexios Palaiologos succeeded her. A legendary commander and able at all other things, this Despot of Epirus surely promises to achieve his mother's ambitions of having a Palaiologoi on the throne. Alexios is ambitious & diligent like his mother, having devoted his early life to learning what he could from her wise rule. He is Shrewd & careful not to err when achieving his aims, but also bold enough to not be hindered by over-cautiousness. He is proud his family's achievements and social position and has a temper that is famed throughout Epirus for bringing down retribution on all who would oppose him.
Alexios' first act of rule is when he is approached by his Steward, Doux Prokopios of Krete, a wise & faithful man but with a questionable moral code. He proposes that Alexios hires mercenary thugs to "encourage extra diligence from the peasantry in the matter of timely payment of taxes". This is not the first time Steward Prokopios has proposed such a thing, but the late Exarchessa had strictly forbidden it. Alexios is a different man however, without his mother's staunch code of Justice.
And if the peasantry are not paying their taxes, the. what's the harm in taking extra measures to collect the Despot's due? Such a system is fundamental to the very foundation of Epirus & Palaiologoi power after all...
Tensions in Iberia, between the rival Muslim & Christian states boils over as Castille invades the weak Emirate of Badajoz & annexes the province of Évora. This sparks a war between Castille & most of the Muslim states, who are eager to see Christian expansion thwarted for good. The Banu Abbad Emirate of Seville is especially invested in the war against Castille, as it stands to replace the catholic kingdom as the leading power of Iberia.
With Basil's war against the Thocomer up to a successful start, the Emperor offers Alexios the position of commander. It appears that even Constantinople recognises the military prowess of the young Doux.
As Alexios prepares to depart for the Cuman steppes, he is informed that his father, the deposed Basileus Kallinikios, has passed away. Kallinikios was the Count of a number of provinces & these have become part of Epirus due to the succession. Alexios will be sure to tour his new desmense after the war is done.
Another perk of his father's death is that Alexios has now inherited his claim on the Imperial throne. All it would require for Alexios to declare himself Emperor, is for the current Emperor to be universally recognized as false & Alexios as the true successor of the Komnenoi Emperors.
Alexios is instantly effective in the war effort, subjugating the Tribal lands of Kuban & then luring the Cuman army sent to recapture the province into a decisive battle.
Impressed by Alexios' martial prowess, Basil listens to his request to be appointed Protostrator of the Empire. Despite the animosity between Anastasia and Basileios III, a potential alliance could be forming between her son & the Basileus.
Returning to Constantinople from the War effort in the Steppes, the new Marshal quickly makes his presence known, with Alexios introducing a much more efficient method of recruiting & training reserve soldiers that results in an abundant amount of new troops being sent to fight the Cumans.
With the War in the Steppes almost won, Alexios briefly returns to Epirus to manage his estates there, which have been carefully been maintained by Sakellarios Prokopios.
In Early 1160, Catholic Europe is greeted by worrisome news from the war in Spain. The Brilliant Warlord, Emir Abbad IV Banu Abbad of Seville, has won a great victory over the Castilian army at Portalegre and the war has now turned against the Christian Kingdom.
Is this the turning point the Muslims have been looking for in Spain?
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